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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I have a problem/question regarding RTCP-nets or PetriNet2ModelChecker tool. Where can I send it to receive an answer?

    If you have any questions feel free to send an email to authors of this tutorial - or

  2. The model file of RTCP-net is correct but compilation of the simulator for this net fails with message Error occured. Either the chosen file is corrupted or you do not have tools.jar library in '[JRE path]/lib' folder. or No java compiler found. Use java from jdk, not from jre! - what does it mean?

    It means that the compiler cannot find the Tools.jar library in your currently set Java directory. The easiest solution is to copy Tools.jar library (usually found in the <JDK>/lib directory) to the <JRE>/lib directory.

  3. I want to model RTCP-net using CPN Tools but its validation tool keeps displaying annoying error messages. What can I do?

    To disable annoying messages one can break the path to the CPN Tools simulator. To accomplish this simply check the Remote option in Simulator process under Options menu.

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