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alvis:modelstate [2013/12/31 09:53]
marcin [Example: Sender - Buffer - Receiver system]
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-====== Model state ====== 
-**Definition 1.** A **state** of a model **A** = (//D//, //B//, α^0), where //D// = (//A//, //C//, σ) and //A// = {//X//_1,...,//X//_//n//} is a tuple  
-//S// = (//S//(//X//_1),...,//S//(//X//_//n//)). 
-**Definition 2.** The **initial state** is defined as follows: 
-  * //am//(//X//) = **X**, for any active agent //X// such that σ(//X//) = //True//. 
-  * //am//(//X//) = **I**, for any active agent //X// such that σ(//X//) = //False//. 
-  * //am//(//X//) = **W**, for any passive agent //X//. 
-  * //pc//(//X//) = 1 for any active agent //X// in the **running** mode and //pc//(//X//) = 0 for other agents. 
-  * //ci//(//X//) = [ ] for any active agent //X//. 
-  * //ci//(//X//) contains names of all accessible procedures of //X// together with the direction of parameters transfer, e.g. //in//(//a//), //out//(//b//), etc. for any passive agent //X//. 
-  * For any agent //X//, //pv//(//X//) contains //X// parameters with their initial values. 
-===== Example: Sender - Buffer - Receiver system ===== 
-{{ :alvis:rbs.png?nolink |}} 
-agent Sender { 
-  loop {                 -- 1 
-    out put;             -- 2 
-  } 
-agent Buffer { 
-  i :: Int = 0; 
-  proc (i == 0) put {  
-    in put;              -- 1 
-    i = 1;               -- 2 
-  } 
-  proc (i /= 0) get {  
-    out get;             -- 3 
-    i = 0;               -- 4 
-  } 
-agent Receiver { 
-  loop {                 -- 1 
-    in get;              -- 2 
-  } 
-**Initial state:** 
-  S_0 = ((X,1,[],()), (W,0,[in(put)],(0)), (X,1,[],())) 
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