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alvis:manual [2014/01/04 00:45]
marcin [Contents]
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-{{:alvis-logo.png?150|}} **Marcin Szpyrka**: //On-line Alvis Manual//. AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland. 
-**Remark:** The manual is based on the following white papers:  
-  - Szpyrka M., Matyasik P., Mrówka R.: //Alvis - modelling language for concurrent systems//. In: Bouvry P., Gonzalez-Velez H., Kołodziej, J. (eds.): //Intelligent Decision Systems in Large-Scale Distributed Environments//, Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 362, Springer-Verlag, 2011, pp. 315-341 [[:alvis:bibtex|bibtex]] 
-  - Szpyrka M., Matyasik P., Mrówka R., Kotulski L.: //Formal description of Alvis language with α^0 system layer//. Fundamenta Informaticae, vol. 129, 2014, pp. 161-176 [[:alvis:bibtex|bibtex]] 
-Please cite this papers when referring to Alvis syntax (**paper 1**) and semantics (**paper 2**). 
-===== Contents ===== 
-  - [[:alvis:introduction|Introduction]] 
-  - [[:alvis:modelling_and_verification|Modelling and verification process]] 
-  - [[:alvis:diagrams|Communication diagrams]] 
-  - [[:alvis:hdiagrams|Hierarchical communication diagrams]] 
-  - [[:alvis:keywords|Alvis key words]] 
-  - [[:alvis:codestructure|Code layer structure]] 
-  - [[:alvis:typesparameters|Types and parameters]] 
-  - [[:alvis:exec|Exec statement]] 
-  - [[:alvis:exit|Exit statement]] 
-  - [[:alvis:if|If statement]] 
-  - [[:alvis:in|In statement]] 
-  - [[:alvis:jump|Jump statement]] 
-  - [[:alvis:loop|Loop statements]] 
-  - [[:alvis:null|Null statement]] 
-  - [[:alvis:out|Out statement]] 
-  - [[:alvis:proc|Proc statement]] 
-  - [[:alvis:select|Select statement]] 
-  - [[:alvis:startst|Start statement]] 
-  - [[alvis:model|Formal model definition]] 
-  - [[alvis:alpha0|α^0 system layer]] 
-  - [[alvis:agentstate|Agent state]] 
-  - [[alvis:modelstate|Model state]] 
-  - [[alvis:stepscounting|Steps counting]] 
-  - [[alvis:transitions|Steps (transitions)]] 
-  - [[alvis:ltsgraphs|LTS graphs]] 
-  - [[alvis:sbrexample|Sender-Buffer-Receiver example]]**FIXME** 
-  - **FIXME**