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alvis:ltsgraphs [2017/01/11 22:56]
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-====== LTS graphs ====== 
-Execution of any step is expressed as a transition between formally defined states of an Alvis model. States of a model and transitions among them are represented using a **labelled transition system** (**LTS graph** for short). 
-**Definition 1.** For a pair of states $S$, $S'$ we say that $S'$ is **directly reachable** from $S$ iff there exists a step $t$ such that $S-t\to S'$. 
-**Definition 2.** For a pair of states $S$, $S'$ we say that $S'$ is **reachable** from  $S$ iff there exist a sequence of states $S^1,\dots,S^{k+1}$ and a sequence of steps $t^1,\dots,t^k$ such that $S = S^1 -t^1\to S^2 -t^2\to\dots -t^k\to S{^k+1} = S'$. 
-The set of all states that are reachable from the initial state $S_0$ is denoted by $\mathcal{R}(S_0)$. 
-**Definition 3.** A **Labelled Transition System** is a tuple $LTS = (S, A, \to, s_0)$, where: 
-  * $S$ is the set of **states**,  
-  * $A$ is the set of **actions**, 
-  * $\to\subseteq S\times A\times S$ is the **transition relation**,  
-  * $s_0$ is the **initial state**. 
-For an Alvis model we have: 
-  * $S = \mathcal{R}(S_0)$, 
-  * $A = T$ - the set of all possible steps for a given model, 
-  * $E = \{(S, t, S')\colon S-t\to S' \wedge S,S' \in \mathcal{R}(S_0)\}$ 
-  * $S_0$ is the initial state. 
-===== Example 1 ===== 
-{{ :alvis:t016.png?320 |}} 
-agent A { 
-  loop {    -- 1 
-    out a;  -- 2 
-  } 
-agent B { 
-  loop {    -- 1 
-    in b;   -- 2 
-  } 
-{{ :alvis:t016lts.png?450 |}} 
-===== Example 2 ===== 
-{{ :alvis:t012.png?320 |}} 
-agent A, C { 
-  x :: Int = 5; 
-  out q x;       -- 1 
-agent B { 
-  x :: Int = 0; 
-  proc p1 {  
-    in p1 x;     -- 1 
-    exit;        -- 2 
-  } 
-  proc p2 {  
-    in p2 x;     -- 3 
-    exit;        -- 4 
-  } 
-{{ :alvis:t012lts.png |}} 
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