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Alvis is a formal modelling language being developed at AGH-UST in Krakow, Department of Applied Computer Science. The main aim of the project is to provide a flexible modelling language for concurrent systems with possibilities of a formal models verification. Alvis combines advantages of high level programming languages with a graphical language for modelling interconnections between subsystems (called agents) of a concurrent system.
Alvis uses a very small number of graphical items and language statements. Our goal was to provide a flexible language with a small number of concepts, but with a possibility of a formal verification of models. An Alvis model semantic finds expression in a LTS graph (labelled transition system). Execution of any language statement is expressed as a transition between formally defined states of such a model.
The key concept of Alvis is agent that denotes any distinguished part of the system under consideration with defined identity persisting in time. An Alvis model is a system of agents that usually run concurrently, communicate one with another, compete for shared resources etc. Agents are divided into three groups: active agents can be treated as processing nodes, passive agents represent shared resources and hierarchical agents represent submodels.
An Alvis model is composed of three layers:
- Graphical layer is used to define data and control flow among distinguished parts of the system under consideration that are called agents. The layer takes the form of a hierarchical graph called communication diagram and supports both top-down and bottom-up approaches to systems development.
- Code layer is used to describe the behaviour of individual agents. It uses both Haskell functional programming language and original Alvis statements.
- System layer that is predefined and provides information about a running environment i.e. the hardware and/or operating system. It is necessary for the simulation and verification purposes.