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alvis:alpha0 [2013/12/29 21:28]
marcin created
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-====== α^0 system layer ====== 
-α^0 system layer makes Alvis a universal formal modelling language similar to Petri nets or process algebras. The α^0  system layer scheduler is based on the following assumptions. 
-  - Each active agent has access to its own processor and performs its statements as soon as possible.  
-  - In case of conflicts, agents priorities are taken under consideration. If two or more agents with the same highest priority compete for the same resources, the system works indeterministically. 
-A **conflict** is a state when two or more active agents try to call a procedure of the same passive agent or two or more active agents try to communicate with the same active agent. 
-The α^0 system layer is the most suitable one for distributed systems. In such a case, each agent is an autonomous system with its own processor.  
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