====== Frequently Asked Questions ====== - **I have a problem/question regarding RTCP-nets or PetriNet2ModelChecker tool. Where can I send it to receive an answer?** \\ \\ If you have any questions feel free to send an email to authors of this tutorial - jbiernac@agh.edu.pl or abiernac@agh.edu.pl. \\ \\ \\ - **The model file of RTCP-net is correct but compilation of the simulator for this net fails with message ''Error occured. Either the chosen file is corrupted or you do not have tools.jar library in '[JRE path]/lib' folder.'' or ''No java compiler found. Use java from jdk, not from jre!'' - what does it mean?** \\ \\ It means that the compiler cannot find the Tools.jar library in your currently set Java directory. The easiest solution is to copy Tools.jar library (usually found in the /lib directory) to the /lib directory. \\ \\ \\ - **I want to model RTCP-net using CPN Tools but its validation tool keeps displaying annoying error messages. What can I do?** \\ \\ To disable annoying messages one can //break// the path to the CPN Tools simulator. To accomplish this simply check the //Remote// option in //Simulator process// under //Options// menu and clear the //image path// value. \\ \\ {{:pn2mc:faq:cpntools_sim_off.png?200|}} **[[:pn2mc:manual|Go back]]**